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Core data is often our only physical link to the subsurface and yet is often stored in warehouses: abandoned and difficult to access, distribute and integrate with other data.


Have all of your core data immediately accessible and viewable alongside other data types.  Break down silos and harmonize users across your organization.  Curate provides essential apps that drive wider decision making with powerful collaboration.



We understand your needs are unique and specific to your organization.  A quick chat with one of our digital transformation experts will provide insight into how we can help you solve your toughest subsurface data challenges.  

Give your core data the attention it deserves. 

Contact your Ikon Representative or one of our dedicated Digital Transformation Experts in your region to start using Curate as your digital core data store.  E&P Business Value

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Liza Yellott
Post by Liza Yellott
Jul 11, 2023 8:29:48 PM